Friday, August 14, 2009

In the beginning

So where do you start when you make your first blog?
I wanted this to be a journal of my adventures hunting and training my dogs. Possibly someone out there likes the same types of recreation I enjoy. So what better than to share your thoughts with those of a like mind?
I would have to say without hesitation that first and foremost it is a love of outdoors and nature. Some out there would say that because I hunt and fish that I am destroying what I love most. I would retort that through hunting and fishing I immerse myself within the soul of the outdoors and bring the inner animal even closer to its roots. Animals of the wild partake in the hunt and in doing so they must learn the habits of their quarry and learn the surroundings and how best to blend in order to get close to their intended harvest. The hunter of the bipedal nature is blessed with a logical reasoning, supposed higher inteligence. Nature in it's wonderful ways is full of contradictions and mystery that more often leave the human gray matter in a quandry. In order to hunt you must check your humanity at the forrest door to think and feel and sense like the animal you wish to bag. It is in this way that in becoming lost in the senses you find the animal.
The animal is you.